Seabird colony monitoring

A field visit was carried out in May at the two largest colonies of the Mediterranean Shag and the Auduin’s Gull in the broader area of Andros Island in order to monitor the reproduction of the two species. The Mediterranean Shags have already raised their chicks, most of which have abandoned their nests and were observed in the surrounding area, while the Audouin’s Gulls have nested in their colony, as in previous years, and have begun incubating their eggs. [envira-gallery id="1471"]
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Last phase of alder planting

At the last stage of the priority habitat of the alder forests restoration process, taking place within the project's framework, approximately 3,500 saplings, vaccinated with symbiotic-beneficial microbes, were planted in selected locations of the island (February 2021). 350 plants were planted along the riverfront at Lefka, while more than 3,100 plants were planted at the river mouth at Vori. In the first area seven new clusters of alders have been created, while in the second area another 15. Planting was carried out by the Municipality of Andros with the contribution-supervision of the Agricultural University of Athens. Until now, the plants are growing properly since they received sufficient water from rainfalls after planting, while at the same time they are strengthened by the watering carried out under the supervision of the…
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Pollinators of Agadaki Estate

Spring has sprung in Andros, and the Botanical Garden that was established within the framework of the “LIFE Andros Park” project and started operating at the Agadaki Estate of the Kaireios Library since last summer, is in full bloom! The Andriot collaborator of the project, agronomist- mycologist Ilias Polemis visited the Garden in March and April and recorded with his camera the spring blossoming of the plants and also the “traffic” at the higher terrace of the Estate, where the aromatic/medicinal species of bushes and phrygana of Andros and the Aegean Sea have been planted. While, unfortunately, the tourist “traffic” is affected by strict and necessary restrictions due to the pandemic, but the insect pollinators have been highly active for a few weeks now. So, the Botanical Garden is thriving!…
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