Action A3. Technical planning for concrete conservation actions: Elaboration of the prerequisite technical documents and studies

Home / Activities / Preparatory Activities / Action A3. Technical planning for concrete conservation actions: Elaboration of the prerequisite technical documents and studies

Based on the results of the previous two actions the preparation of technical documents and studies which are essential prerequisites for planning/implementing the project’s concrete conservation actions will be prepared. These will include:

(A) Technical plans for terrestrial priority habitats, including high spatial resolution mapping of alluvial alder forests, base study on hydrogeological parameters, technical guidelines and blueprints concerning the anti-erosion, anti-flooding, anti-fire and  anti-grazing interventions as well as a restoration study for the alluvial alder forests, and

(B) Operational plans for conservation and restoration of marine priority habitats, including the operational plan for the restoration of Mediterranean Monk Seal and seabird habitats and the operational plan for the reduction of interactions between fishermen and Monk seal