Action C5. Mitigation of impacts of interactions between the Mediterranean Monk Seal and fisheries

Home / Activities / Conservation Activities / Action C5. Mitigation of impacts of interactions between the Mediterranean Monk Seal and fisheries

Activities will be carried out in order to reduce the interaction and conflict between the local fisheries and the Mediterranean monk seal, through:

  • Implementation of measures to reduce conflicts between fishermen and the Mediterranean Monk Seal in areas, which will be identified in collaboration with the local fishermen and the Andros Port Authority
  • Establishment of Andros Brand trademark (quality label certification) on marine biodiversity friendly fishing for the fishermen following the voluntarily local fishing restrictions for the conservation of marine biodiversity, and local shops, restaurants and hotels which promote this fishing products
  • Promotion of fishing tourism associated with environmentally friendly fishing practices, through the establishment of an ecotourism information desk which will promote and disseminate information about the possibilities of fishing tourism on Andros and assist in organizing fishing tourist trips by local fishermen with special reference for Andros Brand members.
  • Determination of Mediterranean monk seal critical marine areas, based on seal tracking by tagging of individuals.