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LIFE Project Final Report

Layman’s Report


Action A1.

Final Report on the Plant Communities and their Seasonal and Spatial Variation of the Target Habitat including the Results of the Base Study

Pure cultures of several ectomycorrhizal fungi growing in association with A. glutinosa for preparing inocula, which will be used in producing alder seedlings in the nursery

Feasibility study and specifications for the conservation of the target terrestrial habitat: restoration and management of 91E0*

Checklist of macrofungi associated with the key-plant element (Alnus glutinosa) existing in the priority habitat 91E0*

Photographic documentation and distribution – maps of key-mushrooms species associated with A.glutinosa stands in Andros


Action Α2.

Geodatabase of Andros Island (summary)

Final Report on the Assessment of Interactions between Fisheries with Mediterranean Monk Seals/Seabirds at Andros Island (summary)

Final Report on Identification, mapping and assessment of impacts of plastic debris and derelict fishing gear on the Mediterranean Monk Seal, Mediterranean Shag and Audouin’s Gull on Andros (summary)

Inventorying, mapping and evaluation of Mediterranean Monk Seal ecological requirements and habitats (summary)


Action Α3.

Technical Plan of measures for the conservation and restoration of alluvial alder forests (Alnus glutinosa) on Andros Island (summary)

Technical Plan for the reduction of interactions between coastal fisheries and the Mediterranean Monk Seal in Andros Island (summary)

Technical Plan for the restoration of Monk Seal and seabird habitats (summary)

Hydrogeological study for habitat 91E0* (summary)


Action Α4.

Policy brief aimed at policy makers and local government interested in building resilience in small island economies

Best Practice Guide for policy makers and local stakeholders (summary)

Technical plan including a business plan for the establishment of ecotourism/fishing tourism information desk (summary)

Manual including a business plan for the establishment and operation of Andros Brand (summary)


Action C1.

Final Report on the restoration of traditional stone walls along the streams/rivers as an anti-erosion and anti-flood intervention

Final Report on the restoration of unobstructed downstream flow of water and on the re-establishment of river estuaries at specific sites within the target alluvial habitat

Final Report on the implementation of anti-fire measures

Final Report on the implementation of anti-grazing measures

Final Report on the eradication of giant cane from the 91E0* habitat


Action C2.

Final Report on the alder seeds, the fungal (ECM) inocula and the alder seedlings produced for the restoration of alluvial forest in priority habitat 91E0*

Final Report on the restoration of ca. 11 ha of alluvial forest with A. glutinosa

Final Report on the establishment of a plant nursery with an approximate area of ca. 800 sqm

Manual with guidelines for the restoration of A. glutinosa alluvial forests at the lowest latitudinal distribution limits of the habitat


Action C3.

Catalogue of living pure cultures maintained for development of fungal (ECM) inocula

Checklist of the Herbarium/Fungarium specimens of all plant and associated fungal taxa from the target habitat deposited at the ACA and ACAM


Action C4.

Final report on the removal of plastic debris and derelict fishing gear (summary)


Action C5.

Final report on the mitigation of interactions between Mediterranean Monk Seal and local fisheries (summary)


Action D1.

Final report on project’s replicability and transferability (summary)

Scientific monitoring report (summary)


Action D2.

Report on the Socioeconomic impact of the project’s actions (summary)


Action D3.

Report on the impact of project actions on ecosystem functions and services (summary)


Action E1.

Communication material


Action E2.

Final Report on the establishment and operation of the Botanic Garden

Final Report on the thematic exhibitions (summary)



Trigas P. & Bareka P., 2020. Allium stamatiadae, a new species of A. sect. Codonoprasum (Amaryllidaceae) from Andros island (Aegean Archipelago, Greece). Phytotaxa 443 (3): 287–294.

Polemis E., Fryssouli V., Daskalopoulos V. & Zervakis G.I., 2020. Basidiomycetes Associated with Alnus glutinosa Habitats in Andros Island (Cyclades, Greece). Diversity 2020, 12, 232.

Polemis, E., Daskalopoulos, V., Fryssouli, V. & Zervakis, G.I., 2019. Inventory of macrofungi associated with Alnus glutinosa (priority habitat 91E0) from Andros island, Greece. International Conference “XVI OPTIMA Metting”, Agricultural University of Athens, 2-5/10/2019, Athens

Daskalopoulos V., Kefalogianni I., Venieraki A., Polemis E. and Zervakis G.I., 2019. Preliminary data on the underground diversity of alder (Alnus glutinosa) associated fungi. 8th MBK Conference, Patras.

Polemis E., Daskalopoulos V., Fryssouli V., Zervakis G.I., 2019. New records of ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes associated with Alnus glutinosa (priority habitat 91E0) from Andros island, Greece. 8th MBK Conference, Patras.

Trigas P., 2018. A new Hypericum (sect. Drosocarpium, Hypericaceae) from the Cyclades Islands (Greece). Nordic Journal of Botany, Volume 36, Issue 11.

Πολέμης Η., Δασκαλόπουλος, Β. & Ζερβάκης Γ.I. (2018). Ξυλοσηπτικοί βασιδιομύκητες που αναπτύσσονται σε δένδρα Alnus glutinosa στην Άνδρο (Κυκλάδες). Πρακτικά 19ου Πανελλήνιου Φυτοπαθολογικού Συνεδρίου, σελ. 117 (περίληψη). Eλληνική Φυτοπαθολογική Eταιρεία, Αθήνα.